Exploring Conservation Efforts for Wildlife in Lubbock, Texas

The Llano Estacado is a unique living landscape that is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including threatened and endangered species. It is also home to a lighthouse dating back to 1852, and offers activities such as saltwater fishing, hunting, bird watching, picnicking, and historical interpretation. The Smith Museum preserves the history of American Airlines and interprets the air transport industry. Through its activities, the museum serves active, retired and interested members of the general public.

The museum emphasizes hands-on learning through hands-on exhibits and collects artifacts and archival materials that are suitable for its educational and exhibition programs. The Ellen Noel Museum of Art in the Permian Basin connects people to art through changing exhibitions and the growth of the permanent collection. The Museum collaborates with schools, colleges and universities, and offers art classes for children and adults, artists' workshops and family activities. The Fort Worth Aviation Museum (formerly called Veterans Memorial Air Park) (FWAM) is a group of organizations dedicated to preserving and promoting aviation history in Fort Worth, the North Texas region and around the world.

Other activities include camping, picnicking, hiking, mountain biking, equestrian use in a separate 100-acre area (no horses allowed), swimming and fishing in the river, and watching wildlife. The Fort Worth Museum of Modern Art is dedicated to collecting, presenting and interpreting international advances in post-World War II art in all media and to creating a welcoming environment for their public appreciation. Unfortunately, with population growth there has been a decrease in water availability and a loss of habitat for wildlife. The Railroad and Heritage Museum was founded in 1973 to collect, preserve, and exhibit railroad history and the local history of Central Texas.

Located on the spot where 59 delegates gathered on March 2, 1836 to declare the independence of Texas from Mexico, the Museum of the Star of the Republic describes the colorful saga of the Republic of Texas, the history of Texas and its cotton and cattle heritage, and legends of blood and iron using vast resources and vast lands. Designed in Queen Anne's architectural style, the house features a distinctive turret, stained glass windows, and ornate woodwork in cypress and longleaf yellow pine. The museum also has a restored one-room school built in the 1880s by a German association to educate German immigrants in Leather. The Scurry County Museum in Snyder, Texas is dedicated to increasing knowledge and understanding of the history of Scurry County and the surrounding Southern Rolling Plains area.

In 1983 Texas came under the administration of the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife and is permanently anchored in the Buffalo Swamp and in the busy Houston shipping channel. The South Texas Museum of Art contains more than 1300 works of art in painting, sculpture, engravings, drawings, collages, mixed media, ceramics and textiles. Jones' house is original; the outbuildings are replicas built by Texas Parks and Wildlife using Jones's own diary and drawings. In historic times which began with Spanish exploration and colonization efforts in the late 17th century Apache Lipan Apache Comanche Indians spread across the land posing a threat to settlements well into the 19th century. Lubbock Texas offers many opportunities for visitors to explore conservation efforts for wildlife through its local museums.

From hands-on exhibits at Smith Museum to historical interpretation at Railroad Heritage Museum or exploring biodiversity at Llano Estacado - there are plenty of ways to learn about conservation efforts for wildlife while visiting Lubbock.

Olivia Tix
Olivia Tix

Wannabe gamer. Typical coffee aficionado. Lifelong web fanatic. Incurable sushi trailblazer. Hardcore social media scholar. Amateur communicator.

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